Rider Wash Systems stocks thousands of chemicals, supplies, and parts in inventory to support our customers. Our extensive inventory of chemicals means that if you forgot to order something we can still deliver it many times in just a few hours!
Rider Wash Systems provides all the chemicals you need in your wash. We represent the top manufacturers in the car wash industry and also mix our own chemicals in our warehouse where a custom blend is required. Our factory-trained chemical technicians install and maintain your chemical delivery systems so that you maximize wash quality while minimizing cost. Some of our protectants and Carnauba waxes are backed by Rustoleum, assuring you the best quality in the market and providing an easily recognizable name for your customers.
We also have inventory for all of the items you need to stock your vending machines. If you call today, stock items will be delivered tomorrow. We will even set delivery appointments to ensure that you won't have to wait around for us. This allows you to carry low levels of chemicals and other items, saving you money and requiring less storage space.
Rider Wash wants to be your one-stop-shop for all of your car wash needs.